I recently did some shopping on the Forever 21 website and bought several accessories. Since I am required to wear a uniform at school, I like to wear cute headbands, jewelry, etc. to give my outfit a little bit of individuality. In addition to the uniform accessories, I bought two items that are shown in the pictures below. The first is a colorful sweater-top that I thought looked comfy but also cute. The second picture is of a black beret adorned with a bow (I love bows!). I bought this hat because it was on my fashion
wish list. Whenever I have money set aside for shopping, I write down a list of general clothing items or trends that I wish to try. This helps me to shop with a purpose and keep me from impulse buying. (P.S.: Now is a great time to shop on the Forever 21 website! You don't have to pay shipping if you spend more than $40!!)
OMG i LOVE the sweater! Its gonna be great for fall! Somthing about it....so cute!!